Haven't you heard? Vintner's Daughter Launches New Active Treatment Essence

If you missed the countless awards that Vintner's Daughter won when it launched back in 2014, you may know it as one of the most beloved, and best selling products we have to offer. This year the brand launched a second product; The Active Treatment Essence, as a complement to its sister product to provide you with a holistic skincare solution.
To celebrate this new launch and learn more about this unique brand we’re bringing you an exclusive interview with the owner and CEO April Gargiulo.
What advantages and pitfalls do you encounter coming from the world of wine; Napa
Valley, rather than the world of beauty?
The same ethos that fuels the passion behind fine winemaking is what fuels my quest to make the finest skincare. If I didn't have the background in fine winemaking and had I not been exposed to the incredibly dedicated and quality obsessed women and men of Napa Valley, I would never have been able to create Vintner’s Daughter. Like fine winemaking, our formulations begin by sourcing the world for the finest quality plants and then honoring those plants through weeks long, temperature controlled processes. When I first began looking for a place to make Active Botanical Serum I was turned away over and over again by the top labs in the country. They told me that no one makes products the way I wanted to. The labs told me that they would only do it if we changed our formulations to use “faster, cheaper” alternatives. Coming from the winemaking world where a bottle of wine takes 3 years to make, 3 weeks felt like nothing to me. Had I not had that strong respect for what we lovingly call “the speed of quality” or the time it takes to make something truly exceptional, I would have backed down and accepted their lower quality options. Being from Napa Valley allowed me the confidence in my vision for something truly different and uncompromising in its commitment to quality, performance, and safety.
You struggled with cystic acne your whole life and tried solutions such as Retin-A,
Accutane, and laser treatment. Many of our clients can relate to this struggle, what words
of wisdom would you grace upon individuals that feel like they've tried everything to fix
their skin?
I had cystic acne for as long as I can remember and it wasn’t until I simplified my routine did my skin come into balance. I begin with a gentle, not stripping cleanser, followed by Active Treatment Essence and then Active Botanical Serum. In these three simple, yet powerful steps I know that my skin is receiving all the nutrition, hydration and moisture it needs to be it's most balanced, healthy and radiant. It's funny because I spend so much less time and money on my skin now than I used to and it's better than it has ever been.
Vintner's daughter is disruptive to the beauty industry, in that, many brands try to rope consumers into a seven step routine that can be very costly and time consuming. What drove you to challenge the way many people look at beauty and skincare?
As a consumer, I was confused by all the products I was told I needed. Every week it seemed to change and my skin never improved much. I began researching the skin and came to understand that so much of what we had been told in terms of treatments, skin types and corresponding products was made up. It was marketing designed to drive sales and revenue, but not balanced, beautiful skin. I also learned that all skin thrives all of the same nutrients and that those nutrients were found in nature in oil-soluble and water-soluble forms. We designed Active Botanical serum to deliver all the best oil soluble nutrition and multi-correctional moisture. Active Treatment Essence was designed to perfectly compliment the serum by delivering the most beneficial water soluble, multi-level hydration. Both products gain additional performance from a targeted group of both ancient and next-generation plant actives.
When did you realize that it was necessary to create the Active Treatment Essence?
Were you ever concerned it wouldn't live up to its sister product?
I had such a clear idea of what Essence had to be from the beginning and I knew we would never introduce it if it didn’t live up to or even do more than Active Botanical Serum. We only create category-defining products that have the ability to transform the skin. I do not have investors or even monthly sales goals, so I do not have the pressure to constantly pump out new products for no reason. For us, it is only about making the finest quality products that offer game-changing results.
What changes have you noticed in the skin since you started using the ABS? The
I never struggle with my skin anymore. We created the two products that when used one after the other have given me the foundation of my most consistently balanced, beautiful and healthy skin. These are the two products that you marry, for life.
As I understand a percentage of every purchase is donated to ‘ charities dedicated to
protecting, educating, and empowering women and children around the world.' What
does this mean for you and what drives you to make this commitment?
I believe it is all of our duty to give back in the ways that we can. For Vintner’s Daughter, that means that from day one we have given 2% of revenue to charities benefiting women and children worldwide. We are able to make an impact with our dollars and joyfully that grows every year. This is not something that we talk about much, but something we are grateful to be able to do because it is incredibly rewarding. Some of the charities we work with are Every Mother Counts, Futures Without Violence, Project Night Night, Charity:Water, Vitamin Angels, New Story, Dress for Success and more.
As you may have heard we have just stocked up on Vintner's Daughter! Stop into store to pick up a bottle today.